Future of Skilling

Future of Skilling

Redefining your business to stay competitive The world of business is changing, so how can you train the most valuable asset of your business? How can you compete and win in today’s rapidly transforming marketplace? Innovation, customers, business models, customer...
Living Design

Living Design

It all started with my paternal grandfather’s Rangoon Rosewood cupboard. My grandfather was a one-legged big man with a distinct taste. He was born in 1904. A great fan of George Bernard Shaw and Shakespeare, he used to live in a large house at Kottayur (A small...
Lovable and scalable Pepper Square

Lovable and scalable Pepper Square

When I look back on the 11-year journey of Pepper Square, many people and events flash back in my mind. There were days that were gloomy, days of laughter and anxious moments spread in between. Anand serving chaat The truth is, dreams have nothing to do with the food...
Tigers, Gamblers, Entrepreneurs

Tigers, Gamblers, Entrepreneurs

Taking risk allows you to challenge yourself. But there are all kinds of risk takers, impulsive ones, and calculative ones to name a few. The calculative guys are those who have been to school, the impulsive ones are well, like gamblers. Once they have made the first...